SFP Reparations Council Approves Unified Pay Rate Table

30.06.2023 ZAPA
SFP Reparations Council Approves Unified Pay Rate Table

We are pleased to announce the approval of the Table of Remuneration Rates by the SFP Reparations Council on June 21 this year. This resolution brings forth a unified and standardized framework governing remuneration rates for the use of works and related rights objects under the auspices of the Polish Filmmakers Association.

The approved resolution introduces a cohesive text detailing the rates of compensation corresponding to each operational domain. These rates, established by SFP-ZAPA, are rooted in numerous agreements, both past and present. The remuneration structure, designed by SFP-ZAPA, takes into account user-generated revenues, as well as the nature and scope of the use of works or related rights objects.

Notably, the sections concerning public performance and re-broadcasting are directly aligned with remuneration rates validated by the general jurisdiction courts. These rates, paid to right holders represented by SFP-ZAPA, are a testament to our commitment to fair compensation.

For a comprehensive overview of SFP-ZAPA's approved Table of Remuneration Rates, please refer to the document available here.