About ZAPA

What does ZAPA do?

ZAPA is one of the most successful collective management organizations in Poland. Since its inception, ZAPA has consistently strengthened its position in the copyrights market in Poland and its international position. It has negotiated and signed agreements with public and private users, cooperated with many national and international organizations and monitored the dynamic market of cable operators. The fundamental element of the ZAPA activity is proper identification of audiovisual works enabling quick payment of royalties due to their authors and producers, and supporting the fight against piracy in the trade of film works

On 29 May 1995, by virtue of the decision of the Minister of Culture and Art (DP.041/Z/13/95), the Polish Filmmakers Association SFP received the license for collective management of copyrights for audiovisual works. On these grounds, SFP created within its organization a section named ZAPA - the Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers with the task to operate according to the above mentioned license. Subsequent amendments of the Copyright Act brought about modifications in the license of the Minister of Culture. Its final shape is contained in the decision of 28 February 2003 (DP.WPA.024/36/03/ik).

The basic objective of our organization is to protect the rightsholders who entrusted ZAPA with their repertoire.